Hello, my name is Daniel
I am a software developer with a passion for finding solutions to today's problems by using technology to build streamlined and innovative products.
Work Experience
Research Intern
Project developed a browser extension that informs users of invasive procedures on the web and what data is being collected by the websites that they visit. Major funding from Google's Research Scholar Program.
Led six-person project, in collaboration with Google's Research Division, informing users of invasive procedures and data collected by visited websites
Independently developed secure, low overhead neural network models (BERT sequence classification LLM) exhibiting 9x speed, 49% F1 score improvement, and executed locally in the browser
Designed systems to detect browser fingerprinting, cross site tracking, and invasive procedures through analysis of HTTP requests, exposing more than 20 hidden data points per website to users
Conducted A/B testing and UX/UI studies to optimize development and maximize project quality
OurCampus Wesleyan
Front End Lead Developer
OurCampus is a cross-platform mobile app and SPA distributing current dining options, professor reviews, and campus events to the Wesleyan community
Directed 5+ front end developers, assigned tasks, led team discussions on front end best practices
Created and presented Flutter/Dart/React/Git workshops to junior coworkers
Reviewed and corrected all pull requests and published front end code
Established code structure and ensured conformance to proper OOP principles
Wesleyan University
Teaching Assistant
Computer Science Department: Computer Science II (2x), Software Engineering, Computer Networks
Engineering Department: Engineering Lab Assistant
Music Department: Korean Drumming (Beginner and Advanced)
Other Projects
WesHack is a school wide hackathon open to all skill levels that incorporates coding, workshops, and alumni presentations to display the efforts of the Wesleyan coding and tech community.
Defined structure, rules, and funding for events, coordinated judges, mentors, and speakers
Secured first-time and then ongoing University and external funding, managed budget and all expenses
Created and presented daily coding workshops and community-building exercises during the hackathon
DG Whisk(e)y
Personal Project
Website dedicated to my love of whiskey.
Wesleyan University
Gender Diversity in Video Marketing ML Algorithm
The goal of this research was to determine how online advertising of selected alcohol brands correlates to the public perception of these brands.
Wesleyan Univeristy
Gold Vinyl
Gold Vinyl is a CRUD (Django), web (React.js), and mobile (React Mobile) music streaming, rating, distribution, and discussion platform.
Leadership Experience
Co-Founder, President, Finance Manager
Code_Wes is a student-managed coding club at Wesleyan that has grown from 7 to 200+ members since inception in 2020
Raised funds and managed financials for all events, transportation, and speaker acquisitions
Served as a mentor to approximately 40 Computer Science students per year
Created the in-club Discord communication system, currently 250+ members
Established team management structure and led agenda setting
Wesleyan Club Hockey
Wesleyan's Club Hockey team is a student-managed club and has been around for 20+ years and currently serves 35+ members.
Leading practices and scrimmages by developing training regimens
Communicating with the university's athletic, financial, and facility departments to schedule practices and games
Secured funding for new member equipment purchases
Band Leader
Wesleyan-based Scottish, Klezmer, Irish, and Bluegrass strings and winds band.
Scheduling practices and performances coordinated with the university's music department and various student groups